Editor's Note
This article by Brig Pradeep Sharma highlights the critical importance of integration of the 'Man and Machine 'combination for optimum results on ground at all levels of command in the armed forces. He also stresses the vital importance and the need for integration between the MHA , MOD and other national agencies for overall defence and security of India both during war and peace . The author gives a fine example of the 'functioning of the human body 'to draw a meaningful comparison with actual functioning of the armed forces at various levels and importance of integration of national agencies for overall defence of India to meet challenges of 21st century.
With the world in turmoil, drums of war continue between Russia and Ukraine as well as the ever expanding canvass in the middle east which began on October 07 2023 with the Hamas incursion into Israel. India has much to learn and apply in the modernisation and restructuring of her armed forces. While technology is one aspect, the 'Man behind the Machine' is primary and should not be neglected.
We have witnessed new technology, weapons and strategy being employed on both these acts of war, which don’t seem to indicate an end in the near future. The much hyped technological edge enjoyed by Russia against Ukraine has been blunted so to say by the systems provided to Ukraine by the NATO countries and USA, making it a virtual laboratory for testing such technology. Deployment of Private Military Corporations as well as Volunteers who had been called up for a short spell in the army, fighting in built up areas and the wherewithal for that also hold good for India. A detailed analysis will only be available once the war ends.
In the Middle East, the use of Rockets and Missiles by Hamas as well as Hezbollah on the one hand and the Counter Measures by Israel hold lessons for us as well. Of interest are several issues, motivation on both sides, new technology on both sides, fighting in built up areas and use of tanks are the major take away so far. What is remarkable on the Israeli side is the accurate Intelligence and precision with which Terrorist Leaders have been eliminated and the resilience shown by people on both sides to withstand misery and strife, yet fight on. Once again it is a Russia vs USA as far as weaponry and technology is concerned.

The use of the communication spectrum has been prolific both for communication, guidance, surveillance ,locating, identification and neutralization . The use of ‘Cell Phones’ as weapons was a first and indicates the risks involved in the use of foreign technology.
For all of this to happen, requires a strong leadership which enjoys the loyal support of not just the armies but also the citizens, motivated armies and a united lot of citizens who stand by their army/soldiers.
Security and protection of National Interest rest squarely on the heads and shoulders of the Governments regardless of which political party forms the government. However to ensure the right fit is a responsibility that the Defense Forces cannot shun. The fact that most Armies of the Western World are shaped for Out of Country Operations since these countries have no threat to their territorial integrity , is an important factor which we need to bear in mind. Copy , cut and paste solutions will neither work for us as they are not based on the conditions around us, nor suited to the skill sets of our human capital.

Both the ongoing wars or battles if one would call them so, have demonstrated the value of ‘Soldiers’ , well trained in the use of modern weapons and technology, well motivated, willing to risk lives for the Nation. Automation in the case of Israel works as a substitute to offset shortage of manpower but cannot replace’ Boots on the Ground’. We have seen the foot soldier fight in Ukraine and in Gaza even in the latest offensive which resulted in the killing of the Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar by foot soldiers.
The Human Body as a Fighting Machine: Some thoughts.
The human body serves as an excellent model for the structure of an army unit and beyond.
a) The Brain represents the Command and Control system. And there can be only ‘One’.
b) The Nerves are the Communication system, they need to be fully secure and robust. The nervous system therefore runs through the spine in a protected manner and responds to the Brain.
c) The Eyes , Ears , Nose and even the Skin( the senses) which are well connected to the brain through nerves, form the Intelligence System providing information to the brain which then directs the body to respond to various situations.
d) The Abdomen forms the logistic system and legs the transportation. Once again, controlled by the brain.
e) The ability of the body to ‘Self Heal’ and its immune system is the ‘Doctor or the Health Care’ system.
f) The use of gadgets can extend the function of the organs and limbs; for example, computers, spectacles, a walking stick, a torchlight and many others, each of these facilitate the function of the body. Therefore technology needs to be such that it enhances the capabilities of the Soldier, the command function and so forth. And most importantly the Human Component needs to be well trained in order to adapt and use the technology. It is no use incorporating technology which the 'Man' cannot use effectively.
In the armed forces , right from the smallest subunit upwards the organisational structure more or less rests on these fundamental essentials. Line of sight and word of command , extended to meet the requirements from Section to Formations by the use of equipment, each matched with the range of weapons. The Basic fighting machine which remains a constant is the ‘Soldier’. Call him by any name, he remains the human component. Soldiers at different levels in the chain of command, require different skill sets and should be trained for the role they are expected to play in battle. AI and all other systems are merely facilitators.

The pistol, carbine, rifle, LMG, Hand Grenade, Rifle Grenade, 2” inch mortar and so forth provide an insight into the mapping of the Battle field , extending the range with each different weapon at the section, Platoon, Company and Battalion Levels with longer ranges being covered at Formation levels. The same template needs to be applied to our technical requirements to increase the range, day and night operations, interdiction, surveillance and so forth.
To continue with the analogy of the human body, boots on ground in the Indian context, there can be no substitute to the ‘Boots on Ground’, our hostile neighbors require that the borders be defended and the ability to capture as well as hold ground remains paramount. Therefore, every bit of technology needs to be factored in as an extension of the ‘Bodily Organs’ for supporting the Soldier. That is to suggest the following:-

a) The Brain.
I. Computerized system of battlefield integration and AI to support as well as quicken the decision making, target acquisition and designation of weapons/armament to strike the enemy in both situations ; defense and attack. Take the example of Israel’s ‘Iron Dome ‘ and the ability to strike back at targets in quick succession. When the head is threatened the arm reaches up to protect it as a response. The arm or fist also becomes a weapon for assault!All our limbs are synchronized by the Brain.
II. Creating an Integrated Command and Control system, much required in the futuristic restructuring of forces to make the Strategic Force seamless and facilitate smooth coordination under conditions of fast passed operational environment. The senses work as one, sight, smell, sound, feel are fed to the brain for decision making and responses. Not to several brains but one single command and control unit! The ‘Brain’ therefore is the ultimate decision maker Not AI, thus the paramount need for training in the use of Technology.
III. Providing timely Intelligence and Surveillance across the entire battle front in the areas of Interest and Influence, bridging the gap between Interdiction to the immediate Battlefield down to the last soldier as envisioned by the project F(INSAS) which I believe was shelved for various reasons.

IV. A single operational command, doing away with the existing dual system which results in avoidable ‘Turf War’ and lack of accountability between the MHA and MOD.
b) The Nerves are the Communication system. 5G and AI being integrated for quick responses, flexible options with automatic re routing in case of Hostile Interference of any nature . Thus the connection between Nerves would be done in an extended manner to go beyond the immediate body, overcoming ‘Range as well as Inter Service Borders’. Intelligence would also com under the increased range in keeping with the extended ability, thanks to technology .
c) The Eyes , Ears , Nose and even the Skin( the senses) which are well connected to the brain through nerves, form the Intelligence System providing information to the brain which then directs the body to respond to various situations. The limitation of the human body would be removed with the help of Satellites’ for multiple use, Aircraft, Drones, UAVs, Radars and other sensors to provided 24x7 information and intelligence.
d) The Abdomen forms the logistic system and legs the transportation . The technological advancement envisaged would be able to deliver faster responses, preserved food and alternatives to provide for the Human Body and well as Units and Formations. Proteins, Energy pills , substitutes for water and much more can be thought of.
e) Self Healing or Health System can already be seen to be progressing by leaps and bounds, mobility, robotics and remote surgery/treatment can be expected to surpass ‘Telemedicine’ .

As we step into a more high-tech environment, we must not lose sight of the fact that there would be much higher demands on the ‘Manpower’ right from Soldiers to the highest up the chain of command. The Techies who man and monitor our systems would have to be well acquainted with a multitude of issues regarding Enemy Orbat, locations, Logistic Nodes, Areas for Interdiction, Signatures of various equipment, to mention a few.
The effort to integrate the entire mesh itself would be mind boggling and need minute detailing including ‘Protocols’ and levels etc. A futuristic nightmare if one may call it!

One must acquire and use technology for maintaining surveillance in our areas of interest as well as areas of Influence. Targets for interdiction along lines of maintenance are a must. The key to any operation lies in Intelligence and effective surveillance based upon which aerial platforms, ground forces for holding relevant features deny, hold/stop and destroy enemy forces and upset his efforts and reserves to respond to ground-based situations.
A balanced and well thought out plan based on these is required for any permanent /long term plans. Close coordination amongst all forces deployed along the LAC /LOC includes a unified command and control which facilitates not only intelligence but also ensures proper defensive planning, coordination, and responses at various levels. A situation like the one that developed at Galwan does not leave much time for last-minute detailing.

As a Nation, India needs to (if not already done) re-examine and work out threat perceptions, prioritise these and deploy equipment as well as force levels which are capable of acting as a deterrence as well as stopping any adventurism, allowing for a riposte to either dislodge the enemy or compel the enemy to withdraw whilst we retain the ability to strike elsewhere.
The fact that civilians are more frequently becoming the Targets necessitates that passive defensive measures be considered for our cities and towns. This is what has saved thousands of lives in the war in Ukraine as well as Israel.
The battlefield needs to be looked at from the eyes of a hawk, the fists of a boxer, the legs of a sprinter, the feet of a footballer and nerves of a supercomputer. All sensory organs act as early warning systems, the brain being the control centre, the nerves as the chain of command, abdomen as the logistics support and legs for mobility.
Just as there is ‘One Brain’ acting as the control centre for different organs, no organ indulges in ‘turf war’ even though they have different roles and responsibilities the Defence of a Country needs also to rid itself of ‘turf war’ if we have to win battles and wars. To that extent, the need for a unified system of sharing information/intelligence and quick responses is a must.
Politics over National Security needs to take a backbench and advice from military minds, strategic think tanks need to be given due importance. Placing all the border guarding elements under the MoD would ensure synergy and appropriate responses, the economy of effort would provide us with a more cogent system and balanced expenditure of funds and should therefore be given a serious thought.

Perhaps more close attention to this all-important aspect of proper planning, procurement and preparation would be more cost-effective rather than ‘panic buying’ and our responses would have ensured that the adversary suffered huge losses in their attempts to intrude into our territory.

The primary focus needs to be on well trained manpower, with a high sense of motivation. Capable of fighting over long periods in a transparent environment. Thus the man machine and technology has to be totally compatible with Zero chance of error. The ultimate decision would invariably be that of the Man . One can only hope that an Agniveer will stand the test of battle in any future conflict.