Editor's Note
The article by Brig Karan Rathore, published by Swarajya Magazine on 24 Nov 2024, drew strong and angry responses from the Fauji fraternity, especially those who directly suffered personal losses of their near and dear ones in the 62 war .
MVI published a strong counter view that exposes the hollowness of this article in the form of a befitting piece from Brig BL Poonia .
This article by Brig Karan Rathore deeply hurt the sentiments and feelings of Cheryl Dalby, a daughter of a brave-heart, Capt John Dalby of 5 Field Regt. In 1962, Cheryl was just 6 yrs old .Today ,she is 68 years old and decided to write to convey her true and heartfelt feelings through her letter, in her own inimitable words , to the Editor Swarajya Magazine and Brig Rathore. Her well articulated words are also meant to convey to all readers the plight of all those who suffered personal losses in the 1962 war and the grief that they continue to carry even today after 62 years ! There is a need for readers to appreciate these feelings . Do read and circulate to let India and all Indians around the world know !
Note -
1.For easy reference of readers, the links of Swaraya magazine article and Brig Poonia's counterview are given below.
2. All photos with captions have been provided by Cheryl Dalby .Others are for symbolic representation only.
Editor ,MVI

G’day Editor
I received the link to the article that Karan Rathore, Poona Horse wrote “Failure of Indian Military Leadership … A re-look.
I am writing to you to express my disgust and disdain for your magazine and Karan Rathore’s article.
You as an editor, must take some responsibility for publishing this article, as I believe you would have to read the article before publishing it. Rathore, to me quite obviously is a fly by night writer who will sing from anyone’s song book.
Rathore has the gall to express his ill-conceived and ill-informed opinion about revered Brig. Dalvi and (by implication) all the brave hearts who fought valiantly and sacrificed their lives in a war that was fought, before Rathore was born. Does he have any idea or clue of the people who lead from the front? I think not.
“The Ferocious Five” 5 Field Regiment should command the respect of all Indians as the unit was nearly wiped out. The CO, 6 Officers, 7 JCO’s and 102 men gave up their lives in the service of their motherland. Few other units in military history have suffered such high losses.
The Indian Government at that time and successive Governments, including the current Government has made no effort to honour them in a fitting manner. Instead, a concerted effort has been made since 1962, very evident, to sweep the blunders of 1962 under the carpet.

I am the daughter of one of the Bravehearts, who gave his life in 1962 in protection of the Nation. I find it unbelievable that Karan Rathore found it fit to disparage men like my father without understanding the dynamics of that war and apportioning blame for our loss to those who failed to execute their charter. My father executed his charter: he died for India. Rathore should therefore be ashamed of himself for maligning true heroes like Brig. Dalvi and all those brave warriors who gallantly fought a well organised and well-prepared enemy in a war that was lost by us before it began.
There are numerous factual accounts of the untenable conditions these Bravehearts were sent into… unsuitable clothing and footwear, no acclimatization, weapons which were antiquated, little or no ammunition… I could go on and on. I have personally traversed the area and could not imagine what it must have been like in 1962. It is still harsh and dauting today.
It is easy for the likes of armchair Rathore to wax eloquent, making snide, obnoxious comments for media fame. It is obvious to me that there appears to be a hidden agenda here – in my view political mileage for secondary gain… having a crack at the political party in power at that time.
Sadly, in so doing, he has targeted the soldiers who sacrificed their all for India.
Brig. Dalvi was a victim of the circumstances at that time.
Poor senior military leadership foisted on the Indian Army. Kaul, Thapar, Sen and the likes were the culprits as per published accounts. So was the political hierarchy of that time.
Leaders like Brig. Dalvi, the officers and soldiers who fought to defend our country and those who died or went “missing presumed killed” were valiant, brave and tough. Not armchair Brigs. writing from the comfort of their homes.
Brig. Dalvi did try to advise the “powers” i.e. his senior military command, but his advice was ignored, dismissed or muzzled coercively.

I believe, the truth was written in the Henderson-Brooks Report. It has not been declassified. What are the successive governments from the time it was completed, trying to hide? Why has it not been published in its entirety for the world, especially for the Next of Kin (NOK) to learn the truth. The truth and the whole truth of the blunders that were made that sent our Bravehearts – our beloved family members to their deaths and the survivors, left unsupported, to live life with torturous memories.
It is obvious to me that Karan Rathore and the supporters of this horrendous article are quite clueless about the life-long impact the 1962 debacle has had on the survivors of that war, some are still alive, and from whom I have heard horrific stories of their experiences.
I grew up hearing screaming and raging, observed the nightmares, the continuous pacing, overuse of alcohol as a means to blot out the memories and chain smoking all night – symptoms of and suffering severe Post Traumatic Stress (PTSD), but no one gave a damn.

It might be worth your time to interview the young officers of 1962, who were deputed to meet and take care of returning POW’s of 1962 and hear their versions of the mental and physical condition of these brave men– I have. Take the time to talk to the older, retired officers living now, who as young officers, were sent to look for survivors. They too live with terrible memories of what they witnessed in the aftermath – absolute carnage. I have interacted with them.
It was us, the NOK’s, who watched helplessly, gave love and support and watched the suffering of survivor’s day in and out.

It was left to families to pick up the pieces after the survivors broke down…handling their anger management issues… Survivors who without meaning to, lashed out at the people they loved the most…wives, children, parents and others.
They suffered great remorse for their behaviour, yes, but were never provided with the much needed medical and psychological support to assist them. They were simply assigned to the dung heap, to suffer in silence.
I wonder if any of you have any idea about the impact on the NOK of those who were killed or went missing in action, who gave their lives in the service of their country unconditionally.
These men gave their lives, their tomorrows for me, you, Rathore, your families, your descendants and all Indians, so you all may enjoy and live your lives in safety. Brig. Dalvi and the survivors of 1962 also sacrificed and suffered so much for you, I, and the Indian Nation.
When writing and giving these horrendous opinions have you, Rathore, stopped to consider the emotional pain, trauma and emotional suffering… a life sentence for all of us who either grew up with a traumatised loved one or who had to grow up without a father, husband, son or brother?
It is plainly obvious, to me as day follows night, that you did not. If you did, these ramblings and political blame games would never be written or published out of the utmost respect for ALL affected by the Indo China War.

Please be assured that this response is NOT the ramblings of an unhinged, old woman. I am proud to be the daughter of a selfless soldier of 1962. I will ALWAYS stand up fearlessly, for all those who fought and died in 1962. They, in my view, were deemed expendable. All of them were sent to their deaths, some very young.. my dad was all of 32 years old. He was never found, so for me and my family there will never be complete closure. It is intolerable to me for anyone to utter anything negative about these heroes of 1962.
It is incumbent on all of you to give respect and credit due to Brig Dalvi and all those Bravehearts who fought to the very end, consider, and show sensitivity and compassion for the feelings of the NOK.

Rathore and those who choose to publish his bilge should be ashamed. Your diatribe against those who fought for and who died for India in war, shames their heroism and sacrifice. It would be appreciated if, instead of calumny, you took up a case to recognize the grit and courage, sacrifices of these deathless soldiers and give their descendants the respect and honour they truly deserve.
Cheryl Dalby
Aggrieved Army brat and fiercely proud daughter of a Braveheart Gunner, Soldier, Father – (Late) Capt. John Albert Dalby, who never returned home to us.