The issues is that proxy war by the Pakis is on for a very long time. It isn’t new. Waves of terrorist actions well coordinated have been let loose whenever there is a semblance of peace.
Terrorism is directly connected to money and power. To say that terrorism is only Pakistan sponsored is also a misnomer. There are inimical elements in J & K who make their bucks through terrorism. They maintain huge bank balances, run businesses, are deeply embedded in governance and are part and parcel of terrorism in Kashmir. Peace means loss of income.
The deployment of the Indian army too in J & K is a great Buisness and income generator for Kashmiris. If you take the cost of maintaining a single soldier in Kashmir, you will be pleasantly surprised. Food, clothing, medical, expenditure on defence civilian employees, porters and ponies etc all are a huge burden on the Indian exchequer. But who is making the money? Naturally the population in this disturbed area and the separatist elements.
J & K is the only state which gets major subsidies. Take a check on normal tariffs paid by people there and you will be surprised. Electricity and taxes are a fallout, ABSOLOUTELY negligible, that’s a terrorism by product and a bargain. Cost of basic food rations, like rice and lentils are obnoxiously subsidised. There is no labour tax. Hawala income is predominant. Poppy growth is in abundance. Kashmiriyat to Sufism to Radical Islam and their growing madrasahs and institutes are spreading all over the landscape.
Yes abrogation of article 370 has brought some respite, to the people especially of Jammu and Srinagar, but to most Kashmiri’s its Buisness as normal.
Terrorism manifests itself also when the security forces get into lethargy mode. The lackadaisical approach to maintaining intelligence and unintelligent domination of areas of responsibility is the main cause. The belief that peace is here to last forever is the fault line. When COs start taking sadbhavna activities to a competitive level and forget the reason for its implementation, incidents happen.
The enemy is constantly watching our sensitivities. He knows when he can hit and cause mayhem. And typical of Indian army tactics, we end up taking a beating, being reactive and most of all employing the blame game, when riddled with untoward events and questions. We do then turn the tide and ensure that these guys reach their hoors. But at great costs. We always have something or someone to blame.
For the pakis, their military needs J & K to maintain their prime position in Pakistan. After all it’s bringing them large amounts of money that can be siphoned from the national treasuries. For the Indian army in a time of no war and no peace the military presence in that region, ensures training, operations, soldiers are employed in war like thinking and are actually getting acclimatised to conditions and weather. Also the medals keep coming.
The incidents of terrorism in J&K in a month are lesser than the number of murders in India’s criminal regions in a day. There is a huge nexus inadvertently, maybe not in the organised manner, but in the entire field of economical bargains. Yes for India it’s body bags of innocent soldiers. But a soldier dead is hardly even making news anymore.