Editor's Note
We start the Silver Jubilee coverage of the Kargil War with this piece by Brig Rajiv Williams ,YSM ,who took part in this limited war .We hope that it will inspire more veterans to pen down their memoirs of this war and revive their memories for the benefit of our young readers.

While Jubilees are generally associated with acts or celebration of joy, “A special anniversary, an anniversary of celebrating something”, yet the paradigm also needs to be understood in a different context of “Remembering Kargil” – A victory over a compelling excfor the benefit of our young readers.
Today is a special day when Saurabh Kalia along with five men of the JAT regiment were cruelly murdered, by the Pak military supported intruders, who had occupied the heights around Kargil – Drass in the Ladakh sector, well before what has been officially reported. It was the day, when the Pakis blew our ammunition dump in Kargil and it was the actual start of the war between India and Pakistan in the Kargil Sector of Ladakh.

I thought today, we would see most headers in newspapers remembering the Kargil War – codenamed “Op Vijay”. Good name given to the perceived victory after losing over 529 men in combat, in the 50-day war and most being classified as the “Young and the brave”, which is a good tribute to our young officers, straight out of the Academies – Talks much about our soldiers who just followed orders without caring for their lives and only for that magic motivator – “Izzat”.
It also talks much about our senior leadership, who remained in the denial mode till almost the Chief, who was himself away on a tour to Poland returned and got the machinery going. The Army Commander was away at Pune and the Corps Commander had different priorities with golf, when casualties were being flown into Badamibagh Cantt in Srinagar and the Divisional Commander busy on catching wild life for a proposed zoo. It is in this context, we need to project the forced and quick victory because of some of the gaps in information and if available in bits, then the lackadaisical approach of immediate and hard-hitting response.

Anyway whatever, there were the lessons drawn and there was the Kargil Review Committee, which brought about some very strong recommendations, yet to be fulfilled in letter and spirit and more importantly the latter. All we need to do is to reflect upon the past and demand repeatedly the most important value of “Respect”. Respect for the soldier, respect for the families, respect for the veterans, respect et al. That I also feel needs to be commanded from within our own fraternity and especially from all who are in command.
More later on Kargil, but today was the start of the limited conflict. Let us remember those gone before and in equal measure. Remember those still there to share different aspects of the “Limited War”.

About the Author
Brig Rajiv Williams, YSM, was actively involved in the Kargil war. He was the protocol officer with RM Mr George Fernandez .
He handled the media during Op Vijay at the adhoc media cell at Army HQ and saw the war from close quarters .He also accompanied the COAS during his visits to the War Zone.