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Creation of Theatre Commands: A Disaster Waiting To Happen

Gp Capt TP Srivastava


"Learn from Napolean, Warfare’s Greatest Master: Speed and Adaptibility come from Flexible Organisations "


This article is based on a personal letter dated

18 September 2024 sent by the author to Sri Rajnath Singh, Hon'ble Defence Minster.

All images of the article are for symbolic representation only.

1.      As an Indian citizen belonging to a political family, I have been part of active politics for more than six decades. My uncle and father were original members of Jan Sangh from which present BJP was born. As a teenager I was privileged to have known, met and interacted with eminent political figures viz Chaudhary Charan Singh, Dr Sampoornanand, Sri VK Krishna Menon to name a few. I was even more fortunate to serve Indian Military, the institution that serves the nation selflessly. During these years I consider only two PMs, who have genuinely looked at making India a strong nation. They are Atal Ji and Narendra Modi Ji. During their tenures as PM India has made/is making significant and remarkable progress virtually in all domains, enhancing India’s standing among comity of nations in particular. But when I view their government’s performance wrt handling Indian Military affairs, I find that both faltered/are faltering, possibly because of poor advisors on military matters, both uniformed as well as civilians.


2.      One of the most eminent cartoonist of our era Late Sri RK Laxman wrote “I have stopped making cartoons of politicians since politicians became cartoons”. Prophetic words indeed! Politicians of bygone era were persons of character and ideals. During past few years I have sent you more than few dozens write ups covering wide spectrum of national security issues with specific reference to proposed Theatre Command Structure. How many of those write ups were put up to you for your consideration is not known. But if most or all write ups were deleted/thrown in waste paper basket by your staff, it reflects your personal incompetence and inefficiency. I write this letter to you to show you and present NDA/BJP led government the mirror on your (mis)handling of Military issues.


3.      NDA/BJP Governments have been shown their rightful place by judiciary and bureaucracy when their domain was being infringed upon by the government. For instance in spite of having passed the bill for selection of judges of higher courts in parliament, judiciary threw it out of the window by having a proxy case filed in Supreme Court challenging the law passed by parliament. Collegium system continues and you can do nothing about it. Likewise bureaucracy has placed major obstacles in PM’s personal agenda of inducting bureaucrats at Joint Secretary level from other domains. NDA/BJP Government has had to lump it in both cases.


4.      NDA/BJP Governments are in habit of foraying into military structure domain rather than concentrating on providing funding for world class weapons to military. Specific instances are quoted below. There is absolutely no doubt that in doing so NDA/BJP Governments have been ably supported by ignoramus and sycophant top military officers. In any case I have no hesitation in stating that persons advising present and past NDA/BJP government on military matters are Intellectually Impoverished Ill Informed Ignorant Individuals (I-5).


5.      BJP Government led by Atal Ji decided to create a new appointment of National Security Advisor. A great initiative indeed! But look at what the first NSA Sri Brajesh Mishra accomplished.

(a)   Dismissal of Serving Chief of Naval Staff. Differences of opinion with Defence Secreatary led to dismissal of Admiral Vishnu Bhagwat. Defence Secretary was suitably ‘rewarded’ by appointing him as Secretary Heavy Industries.

(b)   Kathmandu-Amritsar Hijack Fiasco. Called KANDHAR hijack to perhaps hide the incompetence demonstrated by the then government. Aircraft was allowed to take off from Amritsar. Why?

(c)    Terrorist Attack on Parliament: Op Parakaram. It took place essentially due to Security lapse either due to collusion or indiscriminate/casual/careless/indifferent handling of screening process/ issuance of entry passes etc. A glaring internal security lapse! Instead of refining the internal security, Strategically and Militarily insane decision was taken to mobilize Indian Military. A nuclear holocaust stared at our face. Decision to mobilize Indian Military was the most insane decision by any nation after 2nd WW.

I guess it would be fair to assume that NSA must have been instrumental in advising Atal Ji’s government to take above decisions.

Likewise current NSA must be involved in taking decisions related with military in present government in most of under mentioned cases.

(d)   Politicisation of Indian Military. During a pre election rally in 2014 Mr Modi announced grant of OROP as approved by Koshiyari committee with General VK SINGH, former CoAS standing behind him at the rostrum-An act of blatant politicization of Military.

(e)   Handling of OROP Issue. Dharna by former soldiers was a disgraceful decision. However it was accentuated by government apathy. Cabinet Ministers had time to negotiate/talk to anti-national elements blocking highway (called farmer protest) but had no time to talk to soldiers. Nobody in government thought it fit to advise the government to dialogue and convince the protesting soldiers to not behave like trade unionists.

(f)    Indiscriminate Supersession for Appointment as Service Chiefs. Incompetent/not so competent officers were appointed as Service Chiefs ahead of their professionally more competent colleagues. Age old and time tested norm of seniority was consigned to dust bin in the name of meritocracy. Are you aware what effect it has had on the morale of Military?

(g)   Non Implementation of Subrahmanyan Committee Report in Letter and Spirit. Merely creating post of CDS was not the recommendation of the committee.

(h)   Adhoc Decision to Reorganise Military Structure. Professionally incompetent CDS recommended creation of Theatre Commands without assigning any reason for the change.

(i)     Handling of HAL/DRDO. Two most incompetent organizations of the nation, which have failed to deliver anything of substance. Nearly 100% top ranking equipment viz aircraft, tanks, submarines are imported. They continue to declare fake timelines for platforms.

(j)     Tampering with Rank Structure. According to JSSD Vol I&II (which is Military Bible) there is no provision of promoting a retired officer in receipt of pension to next higher rank. Your government has done just that which is illegal and indicative of blatant abuse of authority and power. Your government selected a retired THREE STAR ARMY OFFICER to be the next CDS after General Bipin Rawat died in a crash. Selecting a THREE STAR officer as CDS while former Service Chiefs were available was an indiscriminate decision. That beside, your government granted him the rank of General. Mr Minister, you cannot do that. ‘General’ is a rank and a retired Lt Gen cannot be promoted to next rank. For all I care your government could have granted him ‘CABINET MINISTER STATUS’ (as has been done in case of NSA) but not the next higher rank of General. That is why I have no hesitation in saying that your Military Advisors are I-5.

(k)   Acceptance of Theatre Command Structure. Your government is but a few ‘baby steps’ away from accepting professionally insane and strategically suicidal proposal brought forward by ignoramus CDS to alter the time tested structure of Regional Commands, which has ensured decisive victory in all wars fought since independence. My communication is a ‘last ditch’ attempt to dissuade you as Raksha Mantri from signing on the dotted line. Because you as a politician do not understand Regional or Theatre Command Structure. You are obliged to believe in what is being fed to you. Have any of the two CDSs informed you about the contrarion opinion based on substantive facts? The consequences of such change, if allowed to happen, will be severe and irreversible in the event of a future full blown conflict FOR WHICH FUTURE GENERATIONS WILL HOLD YOU ACCOUNTABLE/RESPONSIBLE.


6.      The most important disaster/catastrophe facing Indian Military, the Defence Procurement Process has not even been looked into by all NDA/BJP Governments. What is amazing is that there is not a whimper on this issue from CDS. Unaccountable Defence Secretary continues to head the Defence Procurement Board.


7.      The most oft quoted reason for tearing the time tested Regional Command Structure of military is that China and USA have Theatre Command structure. For the benefit of ignoramuses let it be stated that USA has global military foot print-as on date having 54 deployments outside US mainland. For records; US Military XVIII Corps comprising of 82nd and 101st Airborne Divisions operates independently and is not part of any theatre command for operations. Their operations are ‘INTEGRATED’ with other command operations. For administrative, not operational reasons xviii corps comes under US Army Pacific Theatre. It is being mentioned for academic interest only to make a point about decentralistion concept being practiced by super power. Our national objective is protection of territorial integrity. Now a little detailed discussion on China.


8.      Chinese Military (read Army) controls the nation. Chinese Air Force and Navy is called Peoples Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) and Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). No wonder then that Chinese Army took one of the most unbelievable, professionally insane and strategically defunct decision to build airfields in Tibet Autonomus Region (TAR) since 1968. Although in 1968 Chinese Air Force was a shadow of present but there is absolutely no doubt that no Chinese Air Force Senior Officer would have agreed with Chinese Army plan to build dozens of airfields in TAR. Current number stands around 30 airfields, most of which have elevation in excess of 3500 metre. Obviously Chinese Army had/has no clue about operating aircraft from high altitude airfields. Our Army is not too far behind. For records; Have you been briefed by earlier and present three star CDS as to why Chinese Air Force did not deploy after Doklam fiasco in spite of IAF deploying in full force. Reason is elementary; Chinese fighters, helicopters, transport aircraft could not operate from high altitude airfields, specially during winters starting in August till April. Ice accretion on runway, strong surface winds, extremely poor visibility does not allow/will not allow any substantive air operations from most of these airfields. Presently most of these airfields in TAR are being used by Chinese Army as their peace time deployment location.


9.      PLAAF can operate with some degree of operational freedom from Jey Kundo (1600m) nearly 1000 km from Indian border, Khotan (1380 m) nearly 600 km from nearest Indian border, Kashgar (1200 m) nearly 800 km from Indian border and Chengdu (600m) nearly 800 km from Indian border. Two nearest airfields from Indian border Shigatse (300 km ) and Pangta (200 km) from India are above 4000m. None of the present fighters including J-20 have been able to carry out sustained operations from high altitude airfields. PLAAF operating from mainland China cannot reach Indian shores because of distances involved. Whereas IAF fighters have and will operate from Udhampur, Srinagar, Avantipora, Leh and Thoise and reach Chinese targets in TAR. For records I have operated from each of these airfields including in winters.

10.  The People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) is under the command of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) because of the Chinese Theater Command concept, which puts Chinese Air Power elements under the command of the Army. It is for this reason that PLAAF has not emerged as a formidable Air Power. Do you want IAF to suffer/follow same fate? Chinese Army considers PLAAF as support service. In fact General Bipin Rawat also believed in same philosophy and said so on national television. What an irony that he was appointed as first CDS!


11.   Theatre Command Structure has two basic/major drawbacks. Firstly hierarchy of decision making is long and winded. Secondly Intra Theatre co-operation and co-ordination is compromised because each Theatre Command operates in an autonomous manner. Failure of Theatre Command Structure has resulted in US Military adopt process of large scale decentralization of Air Power elements. Indian Army believes in concept of ‘OWNERSHIP’ and not ‘INTEGRATION’. Indian Army Generals believe that what is not under their command is not available to them. Indian Army neither understands nor practices concept of “MUTUAL INTER-DEPENDENCE”. Hence the first CDS (former CoAS) pulled the rabbit of Theatre Command on becoming CDS. He did not have the professional and moral courage to put up Theatre Command proposal to Chiefs of Staff Committee’s consideration when he was CoAS. In fact even when he was heading CoSC, he did not discuss the proposal. What does it indicate? That his entire proposal was/is professionally invalid/insane is proven by the fact that ill conceived concept of single Air Defence Command (to be operational by 30th June, 2020) had to be thrown into waste paper basket. Mark my words; Single Maritime Command will be a disaster in long run. It will be nearly three times larger in area with less than 10% assets as are with largest US Navy Pacific Command (PACOM). Future wars will be won by Militaries having flexible operational organization and philosophy not tied down by undesirable command/control issues.



12.   Finally, let me be candid. One of the eminent former Defence  Minister ,Late Sri VK Krishna Menon is remembered for all wrong reasons after 1962 debacle. If you insist on approving Theatre Command Structure without due diligence and hearing contrarion view, you will also be remembered in the same manner because if and when India faces next full blown conflict with Theatre Command Structure, Indian Military will flounder for want of decision making during crisis situation. I have absolutely no hesitation in saying that both CDS and their staff were/are professionally incompetent for having failed to even acknowledge dozens of letters written to them. They are scared to discuss contrarion view. I am open to constructive dialogue on the issue with them. By the way will, rather should next CDS be an IAF officer? Or will the ‘policeman’ appoint a RETIRED TWO STAR GENERAL serving on his staff as next CDS? There is a famous phrase. When clown moves into a palace, he does not become the KING; Palace becomes a CIRCUS arena.


13.   Intellectual wisdom has no relationship with rank/status one achieved/occupies. A fundamental truth. Ignoramuses and incompetent persons view the communication as “who has written it” rather than “what has been written”. That is why they rarely send a reply. Demands of modern warfare is ‘DECENTRALISATION’ not ‘OVER CENTRALISATION’ as is being advocated by proponents of theatre command concept. None of these proponents have had the moral and professional courage to answer a fundamental question posed to them more than four years ago which is: “WHEN, IF AT ALL, EXISTING REGIONAL INDEPENDENT SERVICE COMMAND STRUCTURE OF INDIAN MILITARY HAS FAILED TO ACHIEVE FAVOURABLE CONFLICT TERMINATION SITUATION DURING HOT WAR CONDITIONS DUE TO LACK OF INTEGRATION?” Ask the CDS to answer, GIVE SPECIFIC EXAMPLE/S without waffling. Change for sake of change is open invitation to disaster, specially under present unstable and hostile condition prevailing around Indian sub-continent. We are moving in reverse gear. It is safer to drive a car looking through the front wind screen (size nearly 4’x3’) rather than rear view mirror (size 9”x3” approx). Instead of changing the Regional Command structure why don’t you consider appointing independent Secretaries for each Service reporting to respective Service Chiefs?


14.   Please consider my dissenting views as professional difference of opinion based on facts and not on presumptuous imagination as is being done by your senior military advisors. Promoting constructive dissent and appreciating diametrically opposite points of view is hall mark of mature, competent and productive leadership. I am not challenging the authority of the government. I am merely trying to show the mirror and highlight that your advisors on military matters are not rendering professionally ethical and morally correct advice.


15.   And finally in sheer disgust and despondency let me state that I am surprised that my uniformed colleagues want to remain as ‘FOLLOWERS’ not ‘LEADERS’. It is disgusting to hear/ read time and again that we should adopt Theatre Command Structure for Indian Military merely because China and USA (both are expansionist regimes) have it. When, if at all, shall we get rid of such parasitic mentality and be cured of intellectual paralysis?


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3 commentaires

Rohit K
Rohit K
22 sept. 2024

Potential Benefits of Theater Commands

Enhanced Jointness and Synergy: Theater commands, by their very design, promote greater integration and coordination between the different branches of the military (Army, Navy, Air Force). This can lead to more effective and efficient military operations, especially in complex, multi-domain conflicts.

Faster Decision-Making: By centralizing command and control within a specific geographical area, theater commands can streamline decision-making processes, which could be critical in fast-paced, dynamic battlefield scenarios.

Clearer Accountability: A theater commander has overall responsibility for all military operations within their theater. This clear line of accountability can improve strategic planning and operational execution.

Optimized Resource Utilization: Theater commands can enable better allocation and utilization of resources across the different services, potentially leading to…


Ashok Carrol
Ashok Carrol
22 sept. 2024

For Theatre commands to be successful the armed forces have to be equipment heavy . With 22 Apaches , 15 Chinnoks 10 C-17 12 C-130 and a squn strength of Less than 30 with 12 mig smirages and Jaguars over 40 yrs old a disaster in waiting to happen Since 40 yrs pak army ISI is bleeding Indian army but the infantry is still without new generation rifles , carbines Lmgs Nightvision scopes day and night holographic sights gen 6 bullet proof helmets jackets water and fire proof combat clothing anti IED vehicles and UAVs . Training and combat tactics are of 60s .


20 sept. 2024

Very correctly put arguments. In total agreement with the author. In addition how a western theatre commander proposes to simultaneously control operations, in case they happen, in Bhuj and Kargil. Terrain requirement, timelines, tactics and troop orientation are diametrically opposite.

It is indeed a retrograde step which will fail when the time comes.

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